Citações de Heróis
A importância da comunidade nas jornadas de cura
Em cada situação, considerei como me sentia e o que precisava e, posteriormente, comecei a modificar meu comportamento para responder de uma forma mais alinhada com o que eu precisava. Meu herói interior veio ao resgate. Eu me senti muito fortalecida!
5 steps to build resilience and boost energy
Everyone has their own challenges, so try to understand and empathize with others when unexpected circumstances occur.
Rafael P.
A heart attack taught me the essence of being
This “extraordinary” experience of love for life helped me understand who I am, what is behind life and help other people understand each other, always with the utmost respect and affection, because we are all unique and each life has a meaning
Sara Dobarro
A Stage 4 Lymphoma at 22 years of age
Health is truly wealth and I will never take my health for granted ever again.
Mags Bujalski
A stroke taught me that life is a gift
My life changed, and it taught me that life is a wonderful gift that cannot be wasted. That you have to value the things that are done every day, and that in the end, the most important is family.
An emergency landing reminded me what really matters in life
Joy reappeared, and we all breathed deeply. There was some nervous joking around, as well as some tears. The shock of being alive. It’s good to be reminded of this. We have to make the most of every second.
Anorexia almost took my life
I will always remember the day when I went slowly to the bathroom and said to myself, looking at myself in the mirror, “You are going to fight, you are strong and you are going to defeat this disease.”
Gaëlle Charvin
Burnout lead me to start a new life
I have changed my way of working, practicing Yoga, listening to my body when I feel too stressed.
Pascale Caron
Cancer made me fully embrace myself
And for the very first time in my life I was left with no choice but to face all those parts of me that I have been neglected.
Diluting the resistance of our ego to heal
What is interesting and revealing about this approach is that we stop having ideas or pretensions about what we believe is best for ourselves.
Roque Bondarevsky
Don’t wait any longer to do your annual pap smear
Please don’t wait. Just do it. It might save your life like it did mine.
Jacqueline Whitmore
Endometriosis as a wake up call about my unbalanced life
I realize now that in this journey it was critical for me to change my perception of my reality and try new things, as well as to share my fears and challenges.
Julia R.
Anorexia almost took my life
I will always remember the day when I went slowly to the bathroom and said to myself, looking at myself in the mirror, “You are going to fight, you are strong and you are going to defeat this disease.”
Gaëlle Charvin
Energize your soul
But above all, it’s your soul that needs love and attention. This is the place within that you need to energise to deal with the shocks and fears.
Cancer made me fully embrace myself
And for the very first time in my life I was left with no choice but to face all those parts of me that I have been neglected.
Experiencing Uterine Cancer came with a gift
I have understood that life is a gift, that we do not know how much time we have but that every day is important. That it is not worth spending a second disconnected from love.
Montse Hidalgo
Getting Out of a Toxic Relationship
What I learned: don’t give up, don’t lose hope, and that every bad situation no matter how bad, can end if you choose it to.
Getting out of the dark hole of drug addiction
If you don’t do it for you, time will do it for you, as the brain gets tired of stagnation and you enter into an inner dialogue where you wonder if you want this forever.
Joan Rubio
There was only one goal: to LIVE
Having overcome Breast Cancer and Uterine Cancer, the best is yet to come
Claudia Pacquola
Healing breast cancer from within
I learned to have confidence in myself that if at some point something does not please me, it is never too late, and that we all have within us the strength to choose another path
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma led me to discover how healing food is
Instead of thinking “I feel like life can’t be this good,” I’ve shifted my thoughts to “I know life can be this good and I am lucky to be here living it.”
Madison Pollack
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma after 3 years of being misdiagnosed
Sometimes when you think you’ve been buried, you’ve actually been planted.
Jessica DeCristofaro
How divorce made me resilient and prepared me for the COVID crisis
It seems I am meant to swim upstream. I can only say that in these moments, I go against the grain with a huge smile on my face and a deep feeling of gratitude.
How I got over my husband’s sudden death
Do not set long-term goals but live in the short term as much as possible.
Beatriz Alvarez
How I made my dream a reality
I got frustrated, I was afraid, nervous and I dared to face it, to surpass myself, to know that when you get to a Limit, if you want, you can… consciously, seeing myself as a spectator who as she sees herself, feels more and more proud to be starring in the film.
How I overcame depression
They have been years of intense personal work and accompanying other women to overcome this disease that undermines us as people, but the result has been more than satisfactory in my life.
Cristina Amor Bodega
How my migraines led me to a more healthy lifestyle
Adversity makes us stronger but that said I will never give up my search for a migraine free life!
Anna K.
How Reiki helped me find my hero
Reiki came to my life in a very difficult moment. It helped me improve my emotional and physical states, and from the beginning I knew that I wanted to learn as much as possible in order to help others, to be a hero for others, just like others have been heroes for me.
Adelaide Silva
How to overcome the sudden loss of a loved one
We accepted the situation and began to live in our new circumstance, substituting hugs and kisses from our dad for those from friends and family members, and always knowing that I have the opportunity to “speak” to my dad or “see him” on special occasions like when my brother walked me down the aisle at my wedding, or when I graduated from college.
I broke away from my beliefs to free myself from depression
I have been growing and achieving emotional independence, an empowerment that makes me feel self-sufficient and happy without needing more.
Su Gomila
I challenge the stigma around addiction and mental health
My compulsion to use drugs was a way of self-medicating; an uneducated choice I took in an attempt to try and numb the pain and trauma I suffered throughout my life.
Thomas Delaney
I changed my job to be in harmony with myself
When we make small changes inside ourselves, big changes happen in our environment. I naturally started setting boundaries around what was not in harmony with me.
I conquered my depression and so can you
I started focusing on myself. The mirror became my trusted companion. Each day I assured the person staring at me that he was good enough. He was loved.
Matt G. Morris
I have increased my assertiveness and self-esteem thanks to COVID-19
I took up routines that favored my tranquility, and I identified what was the most difficult for me and worked on it.
I lost a son but I never lost faith
My awareness today is that our body requires not only energetic but also physical therapies.
Betty Paredes
I no longer do. I am.
I just opened up to life and the infinite possibilities it offered me.
Ana Martínez
I was born with cancer (ERMS)
This was my chance to create the life I wanted – to reinvent my life and get to know myself and love myself.. I became the author of my own story.
Emilee Garfield
I’m grateful for my breast cancer
I’m grateful for what it’s taught me and the new life I’ve been given on the other side of the fight. I fully understand that worry adds nothing to my life.
Lindsey Garcia
Lessons from my divorce
In a way all the inner work that I did helped me see the light while I faced all the grief, as it gave me hope and positive feelings to cling to during this difficult time.
Living with peritoneal cancer
I would like to tell people who are going through a process like mine to love themselves, to think about their life, to imagine what it would be like if they were already healthy and to do a lot of what they like. You have to always keep going despite everything and you can be fine despite your illness!
Living without fear
But what makes it a truly loving act is the trust that comes with knowing that it is their path to walk. Because that’s the point.
Liz Hayes
Meditation helped me realize that I am responsible for my own happiness
I didn’t resign myself, I transformed the poison into medicine and I could see the value of that situation. I had the opportunity to put all my efforts and energy into being well.
Nerea Diaz
My 5 key principles to living a successful life
The mindset that has helped me forward all along has been Persistency, Practicing, Patience with Prayer, and Perseverance. My 5 key principles to living a successful life.
Jay Phantom
My body refused to live an unbalanced life
So, without any indication of how to manage this, I decided to take charge of my health and my destiny and create my new me.
González G-N
My daughter had dilated cardiomyopathy
I reflect often on the meaning of life’s occurrences, and how I am to carry forth my life’s experience to be in service to others with love. Love is at the heart of everything, literally and figuratively. When a moment is challenging, I think, “What would love do?”
Whitney Ortiz
My daughter with autism has changed the way I see the world
They are an important part of our society who have come to teach us many things and that we should not miss the opportunity to be part of their lives.
Hugo Sanmartín
My divorce and bulimia were in actuality a starting point for a new life that makes me happy
I now know I deserve everything my heart desires. Not because of how I look, if I’ve done enough with my day, or because of what another person thinks of me. Just because I’m me. And I know I can get it. I believe you can, too.
Lindsay Shack
My journey to be the captain of my life
I know that if I had not repaired my boat along the way, I would have sunk many times. As the adversity/water rises, the boat rises, as long as you take good care of it.
Vincent Reutt
My migraines, depression, and anxiety are a warning
And what happens when you try to ignore something? It shows up in other places. At first it was stress, then apathy, then sadness, until it became anxiety attacks due to minor problems and sleepless nights without knowing how to fall asleep.
My mother committed suicide
So, without any indication of how to manage this, I decided to take charge of my health and my destiny and create my new me.
Ramón Reyes
My mother has Alzheimer´s but we are not alone
I joke that it’s a club none of us wanted to be a part of, but now that we’re here, we can’t help but be there for each other.
Kathryn F.
My patients are my heroes and show me how to manage my emotions better
They [our patients] are the true heroes
My spiritual awakening journey to self love
I shed generations of pain, suffering and sadness. That had been carried within me and weighing heavily on my heart. Impacting every molecule of my life.
Amy Jones
One race, one life
This race was a metaphor for my life, with moments of loneliness and wanting to quit and, in turn, moments of euphoria where you smile and you like life English.
Hector Lozano
Only YOU can end a toxic relationship
I learned to trust in MY INSTINCT because it captures the small signals that at first you do not consider important, but that over the years turn into tears of pain.
Our son with down syndrome came to save us
Down Syndrome people have a mission in this life: to show that far beyond your abilities you have a value related to your ability to love.
Luis Chiva de Agustín
Our strong community helped us overcome the sudden loss of my wife
Grandparents, friends, brothers, uncles, etc. appeared. A better version of them. We were not just three. We had an army accompanying us.
Overcoming post-partum depression
This experience taught me to expect the unexpected…there are no guarantees.
Personal development has led me to take the reigns of my life
Learning to understand myself in the depths of my being, little by little and over time I have managed to become a new and better version of myself, and I have managed to free myself from the fears that paralyzed me and prevented me from achieving my dreams.
Ivan Aznar
Pulling myself out of my eating disorder
It’s a process that you relapse into, but you keep going. A process in which the steps backwards do not have to demotivate you, but rather serve to gain momentum.
Marta Tena
Recovering from burnout
I shone a light on all of the darkness, all of the sadness, all of the fear that I had accumulated over my life – trauma that I had previously chosen to ignore, and I called myself out on my own limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviours.
Claire Rogers
Rheumatoid Arthritis Won’t Stop Me
So, in short, her belief is strengthened and she affirms: It is not what happens to us, it is the attitude we take before things that happen to us.
Maria Jose
Staying sober is my proudest accomplishment
I have to say I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. My sobriety is my proudest accomplishment to date, and it’s something I’m grateful for everyday.
Christina Kimbrough
Struggling to conceive despite PCOS
This journey taught me the beauty of duality. I experienced joy and pain, vulnerability and resiliency, courage and fear.
Anibel Tejada
Surviving cervical cancer changed my life
I wanted to help others as others did with me, and give people a more natural vision, alternative options, and provide them with better decision-making capacity.
Pulling myself out of my eating disorder
As of last month, I am still cancer free! Due to COVID, I’m not allowed to do many things, but I am trying to be hopeful for my future and take advantage of this time in quarantine.
Christie Finley
Thanks to my daughter I gave up control
I realized that my daughter said to me what I say to her many times. And when I say this to her, it is because I truly believe that we are all doing things the best we know how to at any given moment, with the resources we have and our current capabilities. So why did it feel so foreign to me to hear her say this to me?
The importance of community in healing journeys
In each situation I considered how I was feeling and what I needed, and I subsequently started to modify my behavior to respond in a way that was more aligned with what I needed. My inner hero came to the rescue. I felt very empowered!
The world has come to a halt
It served me to be more mindful of the present moment and to not attach to any future moment.
Through Overcoming Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, I gained empowerment
But being able to stop fighting the situation and accepting my reality was a liberating experience. It brought a serenity inside me I had never felt before.
Tough experiences lead us to grow
We are here in passing and what better footprint to leave than the one we can plant in what surrounds us from compassion, empathy and love …there are things that we will never understand but we can change our way of seeing life and those around us.
Turning my bipolar disorder diagnosis into my purpose
The shame has been lifted and my diagnosis has become my purpose.
Stacey Raina
Two miscarriages led me to start taking care of myself
Let’s be honest, it is possible to find that daily moment for ourselves, or to change certain habits for healthier ones (little by little, a new habit each time).
What I learned about grief
Grief is just the price of love, and that pain is worth the cost.
Yoga and meditation helped me find my way in Qatar
Our mindset limits before our body does it. Our own fears limit us.
Your Health is Yours. Own it.
Once I turned that switch on in my head I was unstoppable. I had regained control.
Florence C.
a aplicação
Um lugar seguro.
U Are The Hero é um lugar confiável para pessoas de todo o mundo compartilharem suas histórias e se conectarem com outras pessoas que têm valores semelhantes, que tenham vivido a mesma solidão e que precisam ou podem oferecer um farol de luz para os outros.
a aplicação
Um lugar seguro.
U Are The Hero é um lugar confiável para pessoas de todo o mundo compartilharem suas histórias e se conectarem com outras pessoas que têm valores semelhantes, que tenham vivido a mesma solidão e que precisam ou podem oferecer um farol de luz para os outros.

Em breve para Android.